Get Started with Houston Face Yoga
Improve your Appearance with Face Yoga. It’s a Unique Technique to get smooth, glowing younger looking Skin.
What is the Face Yoga Method?
The Face Yoga Method is a blend of yoga-like body postures and facial exercises which improve your appearance and overall well-being.
The Face Yoga Method is a unique technique to turn back the clock. The method focuses on your facial movements and expressions and teaches you how to exercise your face muscles to create a firmer more sculpted face line a since conscious breathing has been known to help increase blood flow to the skin, it also encourages deep breathing techniques.
With regular practice, you will notice that your expressions will change and any stress lines on the face will start to smooth out. The end result is younger, radiant glowing skin, a greater sense of self-confidence, and new awareness from the inside out.
Face yoga may also benefit people with a gummy smile, stroke, and Bell's palsy.
So just like yoga, the ultimate goal of The Face Yoga Method is self-realization.
Enjoyed the 3 Day Face Yoga Summit of 2021 !!
Got much more knowledge and depth on Face Yoga!
Face Yoga Mastery
On to the Mastery program to learn more in-depth about the Face Yoga Method! I’m so excited!